January 2010

Michael Durall wrote The Almost Church Revitalized, which has been a major part of our board’s revisioning and revitalization process. Because of that book our board members are thinking differently about who they are and what we as a congregation are doing. It has been transformative. He writes here in the UU World about the private vs. public church, and how the spiritual and religious worlds are changing. What do you think?

We in the UU church believe that the sacred word can be found anywhere, and that it is everywhere. Roger Ebert’s essay on food, drink, and conversation–and what it has been like to lose them–is a stunning example of the everyday religious.

Apparently, churches are churches, and theology doesn’t really change things. Here’s a wonderful article from the Christian Century about church dynamics and perceptions. If we keep the big picture in view, the moments of struggle will be easier to overcome.